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Programmatic Advertising Services with RTB on DSPs in Singapore

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic Advertising is one of the advanced paid media channels to run display ad campaigns via real-time bidding (RTB) on demand-side platforms (DSPs). Using instantaneous real-time data, this is done through the use of algorithmic buying and sale of advertising spaces which allow for precise segmentation based on demographics (age, gender, etc.), interest topics and geographical location of your target audience. This is one of the most efficient ways to deliver highly effective ads to the right audiences through a wide ad network reach.

The potential to deliver relevant advertisements to interested customers at opportune times has enticed digital marketers at all times. Compared with other channels, programmatic advertising can outreach to more potential customers across multiple ad networks at the same time, unlike Google Ads that only deliver ads within its own proprietary ad network. Digital marketers can also gain access to exclusive ad inventories or private ad networks, so as to drive targeted traffic that leads to incremental conversion.

Working with:

Google Display & Video 360

How we can help in Programmatic Advertising?

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) for programmatic advertising through the management of DSP accounts and the provision of transparent reports for our clients.

Conduct thorough checks and audits on DSP accounts to help our clients discover new opportunities and mitigate shortfalls to drive better ROI and formulate programmatic buying strategies that can boost the overall performance of digital marketing channels and facilitate in the running of campaigns.

Execution of programmatic advertising by setting up DSP accounts, necessary conversion tracking tools, and programmatic ad campaigns based on the industry’s best practices with the goal to streamline targeting and maximise the return on spending.

Programmatic advertising campaigns optimization through analysis of current ad campaign performance and automated bidding strategies to identify more opportunities to drive leads, conversions and sales revenue for your website. Recommendations to achieve monthly cost savings, better ROI through a lowered cost per acquisition (CPA) or an increase in return on ad-spend (ROAS) will then be provided.

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Articles on Programmatic Advertising

Are Programmatic Ads Delivering Results?

A case study on how we evaluate programmatic ad campaigns with performance-based marketing objectives to determine whether they are delivering results.

The Truths & Beginner Guide to Programmatic Advertising

Get valuable insights on how programmatic advertising works, and understand the considerations & costs before hopping into running programmatic ads.

Other Paid Advertising Services

Convert searchers to paying customers at shorter lead time with SEM

Optimize shopping ad campaigns to drive highest revenue & ROAS

Build brand affinity with your target audiences at the top of the marketing funnel

Leverage on social platform opportunities to reach and engage with your customers

Close your conversion gap by targeting potential customers who have interacted with your website

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Have you upgraded your Google Analytics to GA4? Google Analytics 4 (GA4) will be replacing the old Universal Analytics (UA) by 30 June 2023. Speak with us on how to migrate all your conversions & event tracking on UA to GA4 today.